This is How You Remember Who You Are and Explore Tantra As Playful

Sometimes I forget that I went 30-something years without ever experiencing orgasm.

Sometimes I forget I am a certified Tantric Sex Coach.

Sometimes I forget that we're here for the full-spectrum experience of being human.

All forms of Tantra hold that everything is sacred and divine and has consciousness, which sounds very serious and deep and intense.

And it is....

Sometimes I forget that what I love most about Tantra is how playful it is.

Exploring Tantra has supported me to be playful around pleasure, around sex, and around being human.

It's offered me...

A freedom.

An acceptance.

An embodied aliveness and joy.

I want this for you, too.

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That's why I'm offering you five steps for inviting playfulness into a connection with yourself or into connection with your partner this weekend:

STEP 1: Breathwork

Start standing, with your feet hip-width apart, and begin with deep, primal breathing.

Inhale deeply with the mouth open.

Exhale deeply with the mouth open.

Avoid pausing in between the inhale and the exhale and the exhale and the inhale.

On the exhale, your pelvis comes forward.

On the inhale it swings back.

As you sync the breath and the movement, breathe in and out faster and faster.

Invite your arms to swing opposite your pelvis and hips.

STEP 2: Open

Continue to open your body with breath and movement.

If you feel the impulse at any point, welcome sounds, growls, and anything else that comes up.

Let your whole body move, and keep building energy with a deep primal breath.

STEP 3: Feel

After 1-3 minutes, stand completely still.

Feel the sensations, the movement, the energy, the aliveness within your body.

STEP 4: Follow Your Impulses

Now follow your impulses.

Whatever you feel to do moment-to-moment, listen to your body and your whims.

If you're with your partner, take turns following your impulses together.

Run around naked.

Paint one another in yogurt.

Cackle like a hyena.

Give yourself permission to do whatever you feel (make sure you have 100% consent if it's with or involves other people).

STEP 5: Repeat

Return to the breathwork again, and repeat these steps one or two more times.

When we've all been so restricted, so pent up, it can be incredibly important to offer ourselves safe, playful experiences of freedom and liberation.

All we need is the breath.

Offering you so much love today,

P.S. If you want to explore other Tantric practices toward freedom and liberation, connect with me for a free 20-minute consultation or a regular session.


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