
To Be Chosen, You Have To Communicate Your Needs First
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

To Be Chosen, You Have To Communicate Your Needs First

I see you relaxing back, receiving so much love and care and support that you need and want.

I see you doing it with ease and it coming to you so lusciously.

Here's the thing, though.

Most sitcoms don't show the characters knowing what they want, communicating what they want, or getting what they want.

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4 Steps for Clearing Time To Connect With Your Partner
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

4 Steps for Clearing Time To Connect With Your Partner

When your partner and you were dating, you cleared out time to see one another, to do things, to have sex.

Sometimes you gave up sleep or money or a lunch hour or seeing friends to laugh and smile and experience one another.

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This is How You Take Ownership of Your Sexuality
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

This is How You Take Ownership of Your Sexuality

You may not be having sex or as much sex as you want with your partner during this pandemic.

Maybe—like me—your partner and you are sheltering-in-place in different locations.

You may be single or dating.

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5 Things You Can Do To Reclaim Your Relationship
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

5 Things You Can Do To Reclaim Your Relationship

I invite you to turn and look at your partner. 

Maybe you just need to look up, and there they are across from you.

If you can't see your partner from your vantage point and you're in the same space, carry this email with you and go find them. 

If your partner and you are in different locations, I invite you to scroll to a picture of them.

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