The Most Difficult Season of Your Relationship Might Need Support

Hey, you,

You are not alone.

If this has been the most difficult season your relationship has faced...

If this has been the most difficult chapter of your life...

You are not alone.

I was listening to shame researcher and social scientist Brené Brown talk with relationship researchers Drs. John and Julie Gottman on What Makes Love Last when Brené shared this has been the most difficult time of hers and her spouse's thirty years together.

I felt validated.



The last year has been more than difficult.

It's been excruciating and confusing and uncertain.

It's demanded a lot from us,

some of which we've been equipped to handle,

some of which we've been stretched to accommodate, and

some of which we need to develop new skills for if we're going to make it out of this in tact and with love.

So maybe you'll join me in a relationship review, strengthening, or rebuilding by taking a look at the newly released Gottman Relationship Coach, an online series of short 2-3-minute videos for connecting and communicating with your partner through science-based, relationship skill-building tools.

( I am not an affiliate or associated with this program. )

After all, what is this but a time to learn something new about ourselves, our partner, and our relationship?

Offering love,


Which is More Closed Off: Your Heart or Your Sexuality?


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