
4 Steps For Setting A Time Container for Getting sexy
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

4 Steps For Setting A Time Container for Getting sexy

When I was pre-orgasmic, I explored so many things wanting to experience orgasm for the first time.

I felt more than broken; I felt like I didn't belong to the human population (enneagram 4).

Ohhhhhhh I read books. I went to six therapists. I watched videos. I bought vibrating toys.

It's when I read Slow Sex: The Art and Craft of the Female Orgasm that I was first introduced to the concept of a time container.

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5 Steps for Coming into Presence and Connection with Your Partner and Loved Ones
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

5 Steps for Coming into Presence and Connection with Your Partner and Loved Ones

"Wait. Wait. Can you say that again?"

I'm in the kitchen, and my youngest who is eight is next to me saying something about turtles and the beach.

A piece of me is replaying a past conversation with someone else as I pour some tea.

I recognize another piece wants to be in the present and connected to what he's sharing with me.

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This is How To Invite Heartbrokenness To Teach You
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

This is How To Invite Heartbrokenness To Teach You

I have been deeply grieving the last several weeks and letting my body show me how to forgive myself and others, how to heal, and how to love.

There's no pushing or forcing, no "should" or "shouldn't."

There's a deep surrender to "This is how I feel right now...This is how it is in this moment."

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This Is How You Move Toward Embodied Self-Love
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

This Is How You Move Toward Embodied Self-Love

Something so powerful and deep happened in a coaching session a few weeks ago.

I've been thinking about it and wanting to share it, thinking it might click a few things into place for you, too.

Because most of us...we want to experience love with a partner, with our person.

The idea of self-love can feel so far-fetched and inaccessible because we first experience love in relationship and attachment to our primary caregivers.

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This is How You Take Ownership of Your Sexuality
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

This is How You Take Ownership of Your Sexuality

You may not be having sex or as much sex as you want with your partner during this pandemic.

Maybe—like me—your partner and you are sheltering-in-place in different locations.

You may be single or dating.

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This is Why Video Chatting with Your Loved Ones is So Hard
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

This is Why Video Chatting with Your Loved Ones is So Hard

Before all of this happened, my partner and I already had a lot of experience with distance.

Being in an international, long distance relationship is hard.

  • Closed borders.

  • She's a frontlines healthcare worker.

  • I'm a trauma-informed sex and intimacy coach.

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This is How I Realized My Heart is Numbed
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

This is How I Realized My Heart is Numbed

Sometime recently a friend forwarded me a list of journaling prompts, questions to explore and really look at around pandemic, coronavirus, social distancing, COVID-19, shelter-in-place, quarantine, isolation, ventilators, ICU.

I kept her email and every once in awhile would open it up and read through the questions.

Well, actually, I'd read the first prompt and stop.

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What is there really even to say to one another?
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

What is there really even to say to one another?

I'm feeling the urge to share so many things with you.


I am concurrently holding a piece that's says, "What's the point? Where would I start?"

I'm curious if you're experiencing something similar when you turn to look at your partner at the end of the the end of this unique week.

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This is Why Unspoken Conversations Linger Between You Two
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

This is Why Unspoken Conversations Linger Between You Two

I'm sorry your partner and you had that same circular argument again that led to...nothing.

I'm sorry you spiraled into that same funk you've been experiencing for years except now it feels...hollow.

It's like the sensations and emotions aren't even fresh anymore.

They're played out.

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