This is How To Gently Awaken Your Sexuality with Spring Energy


Feel the sun warming the air...

See the flowers bloom yellow, red, pink...

Taste fresh, dripping fruit...

Inhale freshly cut grass and squeezed lemons...

Hear the sound of birds chirping and the breeze of the leaves overhead.

Spring is ripe with life awakening, and if you follow the energy of the season...

It's ripe with the stirrings of love and loving.

My question for you is:

What do you desire most around your sex and intimacy?

Better sex.

Sexual health?

Hormonal health?

Deeper sex.

Deeper peace.

Sexual healing.



It starts with deeply connecting within so you might deeply connect in love with your partner this weekend and all throughout spring.


Here are five steps to gently welcome the radiant energy of spring into your body and sexuality with a practice from Mantak Chia:

STEP 1: Smile

Bring a radiant smile to your face.

If you have to...push it.

Let the muscles of your face connect with the memories and experiences of being radiantly happy and filled with joy.

STEP 2: Energy

Smile into your heart and into your chest.

Radiate love and joy from your smile into the core of you.

STEP 3: Check In

Return to the corners of your mouth.

See if you can invite your smile to be bigger and brighter.

STEP 4: Body

Starting with the tips of your toes smile into your feet, your ankles, and up your legs.

Swirl your radiant smiling energy through your hips and pelvis and sexuality, up your torso, down your arms and into your hands and each finger.

Beam your smile up your throat, throughout your head, and all over.

Notice if any parts or pieces of you need extra attention and energy by gleaming your love and radiance into them.

STEP 5: Rest and Enjoy

Relax your focus, your smile, and breath.

Feel the glow of springtime life and energy in and throughout your body.

We each melt from the cold darkness of winter in our way.

And it's okay if you're not ready or need to stay in the stillness awhile longer.

When you're ready, I'm here.

Offering you so much love,


This is How To Invite Heartbrokenness To Teach You


Here is what I want for us. Are you with me?