
We Need More Guidance Around Self-Pleasuring and Sex
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

We Need More Guidance Around Self-Pleasuring and Sex

May I share something with you?

For decades I looked for guidance to support me to experience climax for the first time.

Maybe for a decade, my partner at the time and I looked for guidance around how to improve our sex life.

Books and sex therapists and outdated VHS videos got me nowhere.

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I've got deep questions around relationships right now.
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

I've got deep questions around relationships right now.

Distancing in the form of individuation and differentiating yourself from your partner is normal and healthy.

It supports autonomy and growth and prevents enmeshment and...

I dare say...

a toxic intimacy that snuffs out the possibility of passion.

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This is How You Take Ownership of Your Sexuality
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

This is How You Take Ownership of Your Sexuality

You may not be having sex or as much sex as you want with your partner during this pandemic.

Maybe—like me—your partner and you are sheltering-in-place in different locations.

You may be single or dating.

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You Are Perfectly Human and Sacred
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

You Are Perfectly Human and Sacred

I am new to sacred.

If you grew up or are in a religion or spirituality or nature, sacred may be common for you to practice or appreciate.

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Restoring the 5 Stages of Sexuality
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

Restoring the 5 Stages of Sexuality

I'm not sure about you, but I'm a pretty serious person.

I'm focused. I'm precise. I'm intense.

That doesn't sound like much fun.

Especially in the bedroom.

Annnnnnnd if I explore these through the five stages of sexuality, these "serious" qualities sound more like:

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4 Steps to Connect Desire with Arousal (or the vice versa)
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

4 Steps to Connect Desire with Arousal (or the vice versa)

Sometimes I catch myself looking at Shaun and wanting to rub myself all over him.

I'm not always clear in that moment which part of me is responding....

Because it could be my heart.

Swelling with the love, compassion, joy, emotion I feel with him and toward him.

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