This is Where Amazing Sex Begins

I learned this tip around where amazing sex begins from Carlin Ross.

And it is:

Never show up to a moment where you want or believe sex could happen without oil or lubricant.


N O N - C O N C O R D A N C E

Emily Nagoski in her book Come As You Are talks about non-concordance as an experience when you're aroused but not in a state of desire.

( Think morning erections, for example. )

Or perhaps you're desirous but not aroused.

( You mentally/emotionally want to have sex, and your body isn't there yet. )

My advice to my clients?

Pick something organic, unscented like almond oil, jojoba oil, coconut oil, or sesame oil.

( Oils DO NOT go with condoms. Instead try a natural, water-based lube; email me for recommendations. )

Then work with your partner and your own bodymind with massage and openness and curiosity to move toward sex.

Sending you so much love,


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