Can we just be where we're at...right here, right now?
Photo by Toni Reed
Hey, you,
For a deeper connection you might connect in love with your partner over the weekend...
Do something with me this morning?
Take a moment to perhaps close your eyes or just soften them.
Focus a few moments on your breath.
Notice how your breath expands and contracts your body.
And then hit reply and share three sensations and their locations with me.
( Here is a list of sensations in case you're looking for a word to describe what you're feeling. )
For me...
I feel a tension scrunch between my eyes.
I feel a heaviness in my shoulders.
I feel a lightness in my left and right elbows.
Now, it's really super easy to dip into story around why these sensations are here and what they mean.
And I'm wondering if we can simply acknowledge and honor them just as they are.
No stories.
No explanations.
No undermining.
This is what we're feeling.
This is where we're feeling it.
This is how we are today, right here and right now.
And that's okay.
That makes sense.
I guide us here to be present and connected with what is because I've written three separate emails to you trying to figure out what's what.
I've gone in circles around the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021.
Holding the victories of the first Black senator and first Jewish senator from Georgia alongside looking up the words "sedition" and "insurrection" and the details of the 25th Amendment bring up a lot of sensation.
It's easy to be overwhelmed.
It's easy to numb out.
It's easy to want to run.
And I'm here.
You're here.
We're here.
Offering you so much love,
P.S. If it's a time when you want support, guidance for slowing down, catching your breath, and experiencing safety in your body, I'm available for one-on-one sessions online via Zoom.
If your partner and you want to learn how to hold space for one another during times like these, I can guide you both. My availability is here.