Can We Grieve This Pandemic Freeze State Together?

I spent the first half of yesterday contemplating the freeze we're all in.

A cycle of stillness and rest...

And also a stress cycle of numb and stuck and cold.

It's been a long yin-state since February.


To be honest, I'm feeling a bit of panic as we enter autumn around just how long this corona winter will be. 

Several days ago my partner said,

I need to be here now.
I need to be in the present.
There’s so much in the now.
Everything else feels frozen, in a sense.

I've come back to her words to let them echo through my bodymind to wonder if I can accept them and surrender deeper into the beauty of this unexpected season of life.

As I play with this possibility, I am reminded of the stages of grief as defined by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross:

  • Denial

  • Anger

  • Bargaining

  • Depression

  • Acceptance

It's no coincidence that my writer-friend Claire Bidwell Smith published a book two years ago called, Anxiety: The Missing Stage of Grief.

Maybe in the last six months you've felt these within yourself.

I know I've seen them expressed out in the world. 

And I'm wondering what it will take within me to move through these and come into acceptance.

Grief isn't linear.

This pandemic isn't either.

And neither are the cycles of healing or phases of our long term relationships.

They require commitment, a willingness to move through what's in front of us, and a sense of the greater picture.

I'm curious...

What do you see?

Share with me.

And I'll send you love, and you can send it back in return.

All the feels,


I've got deep questions around relationships right now.


Three Ways to Return to Our Priorities in Pandemic Times