Are you feeling an auspicious opening toward the light today?

Hey, you,

I've been thinking about you.

I woke up at 5:40 am this morning.

No real reason.

And when my logical, rational mind searched for reasons I might have woken up so early, I remembered it's December 21.

The solstice.

The Great Conjunction.

The end of the year.


I'll be honest.

It feels too unsafe for me to sit here and think about everything I've been through this last year.

It feels too dangerous for me to contemplate what I want for 2021.

All I can do is focus on how I want to feel.

In 2021, I want to feel love.

Warm. Open. Safe. Expansive. Connected. Radiant.

In the last ten months I've leaned heavily into my top five foundational tools to remember what it is I most need and want and how to offer them to myself.

I've leaned into these tools to remember who I am.

That's why starting December 26, in that liminal space between the holidays and leading up to the new year, I'm sharing them with you:

BEDROCK: Foundations for Sex & Intimacy
A FREE 6-Day Email Series for Committed Couples
Five tools. Six emails. Clarity for life.

Each of these tools will give you insight into who you are, how you're wired, and what you need for a deeper connection within.

You'll learn about your partner, too, so you can feel confident around inviting your partner toward deeper connection in love, in sex, and in intimacy.

That's what I want for you both.

Offering you so much love on this journey,


Can we just be where we're at...right here, right now?


Lay Back, Remember Who You Are, and Return Home to Yourself