This is how to acknowledge your 2019 relationship and set up for deeper connection in 2020

In that liminal space between the December holidays and the coming of the Gregorian calendar's new year,

( My family also celebrates the Ethiopian new year, which falls on September 11. )

I find myself reviewing 2019 to acknowledge and celebrate,

and also so I can heal and grow and flourish in 2020.

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So maybe over the next few days while you're stuck wondering what day it is, your partner and you can take an hour or so to kick up your feet and follow these three steps:

STEP ONE: Celebrate

What are five things you can celebrate over the last year together?

You might consider your sex, your love, your relationship.

Perhaps you want to agree on five.

Maybe you each want to come up with five and share.


What are three things you want to clear or release or heal from over the last twelve months?

Maybe they're fights you had, decisions you made, experiences you'd re-do.

These can be more personal and linger within each of us differently.

So as you share, listen lovingly and compassionately without reigniting into the past.


What are five things you desire around your relationship?

Or what are five ways in which you desire to experience love in 2020?

Maybe consider five sexual experiences you desire to have in 2020.

And share. :)

As I review 2019, I experience how quickly things can change, how subtle shifts lead to major movement, and how while some things stay the same, others have been completely rebirthed.

In 2020, you can do anything.

I can do anything.

You can experience anything.

We can experience anything.

Take some time now to determine what you want your future to be.

Sending you so much love,


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