If You Desire Connection with Your Partner Today Instead of -STUFF-

For me, nothing is more important than connection.

I don't want gifts. I don't need stuff.

I want to feel that when you and I are together, it is just us.

Social scientist and TEDx Talk-er Brené Brown says,

"Connection is the energy that exists between people when they feel


heard, and


when they can give and receive without judgement; and

when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship."

That's me and you.

  • That's what it's like when I'm in session with clients.

  • It's what I desire when I'm interacting with my children.

  • It's what I want most inside my relationship.

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So with the quickening slide from fall into winter and the pressure to contort around capitalism, I invite you to slow down, tune into your heart, and invite your partner into connection with these four steps.


Sit and face one another.

Maybe you're on the couch.

Maybe you're in chairs.

Maybe you two are flexible enough to sit on the floor.


Stare into each other’s eyes.

Gaze into your partner's eyes and invite the intimacy of being so close you can see their pupils, you can see the pigment of their irises, you can see the whites of their eyes.

STEP THREE: Synchronize

Begin to breathe very consciously into your stomach all of the way below your belly button.

Inhale and exhale into your whole torso.

Keep breathing deep and full into your belly while looking into each other’s eyes.

Begin to synchronize your breath just like you'd synchronize your steps if you were walking down the street together.

One of your breaths may be longer than the other.

With a sense of playfulness and openness, match your breath.

If you lose track of your breath or your partner's breath, simply return you attention and begin to synchronize again.


Feel into your heart.

Notice any sensations arising.

Maybe heat. Maybe an openness. Maybe tightness. Maybe something numb.

Whatever arises, whatever you feel, keep breathing.

It’s all okay.

Keep gazing into your partner’s eyes.

When you're both ready you can release the breath and your gaze and share your experience.

You are safe, you are held, you are loved.

Sending you both so much love,


This is how to acknowledge your 2019 relationship and set up for deeper connection in 2020


Have Each Other’s Backs This Holiday Season with This Exercise