Have Each Other’s Backs This Holiday Season with This Exercise

I'm experiencing a great deal of instability in my life ranging from finances to health to relationships.

It's keeping me in survival mode hour-to-hour these days.


When I woke up this morning to the day before a major holiday in the US, I thought of you.

I thought about your partner.

I thought about the health and wellbeing of your relationship.

I thought about the stress that could be affecting so many different aspects of your life.

I desire you to experience the space around the two of you as sacred and protected.

I desire you to experience life as the two of you partnered together in adventure and adversity.

I desire you to experience a bubble of safety around your relationship where inside your needs are met with love and compassion by one another.

That's why to reduce stress and increase intimacy in your relationship throughout the holiday season, I invite you to create a couple bubble with one another.

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Walk through these three steps, ESPECIALLY before you go out into the world to an event, to meet family, or to go shopping.

STEP ONE: Create

Sit across from your partner and feel yourselves surrounded by a bright, beautiful energy.

You can see it as a certain color.

Maybe gold or bright white.

You can also choose a specific color that suits you as a couple.

Visualize yourselves surrounded by this bubble.

If you’re on a bed, you want the bubble to be the size of the bed.

Think of it as a sacred space for you to play in.

So choose whatever size bubble is appropriate for you to play.

STEP TWO: Release

Decide together what you are releasing from this bubble.

Anything that you want to let go of or move away from before this experience, state out loud.

Set a timer on your phone for two minutes.

Then take turns going back and forth.

Feel that you throw that energy outside of the bubble as you each alternate saying things like:

  • “I release my masks.”

  • “I release trying too hard.”

  • “I release needing to have an orgasm.”

  • “I release judgement.”

  • “I release criticism.”

  • “I release being in my mind.”

Let anything come up.

Take your time and throw out whatever you’re releasing from this bubble.


Set the timer for another two minutes.

Now call in what you want to experience, what you want to feel, what you want here in this bubble by saying:

  • “I call in...”

Then pull down that quality and fill up your bubble with it.

Take turns back and forth calling in the qualities you want.

It's that simple.

Set the foundation for your relationship and your experiences this holiday season.

Be clear around what you don't want and what you do.

And love one another deeply.

Sending you both so much love,


If You Desire Connection with Your Partner Today Instead of -STUFF-


Are You Coming Together or Coming Apart in Your Relationship?