White-Hot Lightning Kisses Are Within You

Hey, you.


Have you ever kissed someone and experienced lightning?

Touched lips, entangled energies, and felt an electric pulse sweep through you to ignite your sensations…?

A friend has been sharing their experience with this, talking about what and how another person makes them feel when I said,

You are lightning.

The lightning is within you.

They said, “Within me? No, that’s them…But I appreciate you saying so.


I am in firm disagreement with you on this personally and professionally…so no appreciation needed,” I returned.

So often we look outside ourselves for answers, for validation, for love, for fulfillment, for satisfaction.

When it’s inside you.

You already are.

Your capacity to experience lightning, to experience pleasure and expansion and even the streaming, white-hot heat of orgasm from locking lips is within you.

I know because I was anorgasmic until my late-30s and now have access to multiple types of orgasms, the capacity to have multiple orgasms in a row, and frequently experience spontaneous orgasms, orgasms without touch, and yes, lightning kisses.

I am not special or unique or rare.

For decades (quite literally) I searched for answers around why I couldn’t orgasm while self-pleasuring with a vibrator or other sex toys, why I couldn’t orgasm with men or with women, why I felt so stuck and broken and inhuman.

Nothing was wrong with me.

Nothing is wrong or bad or unworthy or broken within any of us.

We simply have been guided to search outside of ourselves instead of within.

You are lightning.

The lightning is within you.

Offering you so much electric love,

P.S. If you're ready...if you want support around electrifying the lightning capacity within you, I'm accepting couples and individuals for coaching sessions.

Click here for a free 20-minute consultation.


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