
4 Steps For Setting A Time Container for Getting sexy
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

4 Steps For Setting A Time Container for Getting sexy

When I was pre-orgasmic, I explored so many things wanting to experience orgasm for the first time.

I felt more than broken; I felt like I didn't belong to the human population (enneagram 4).

Ohhhhhhh I read books. I went to six therapists. I watched videos. I bought vibrating toys.

It's when I read Slow Sex: The Art and Craft of the Female Orgasm that I was first introduced to the concept of a time container.

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White-Hot Lightning Kisses Are Within You
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

White-Hot Lightning Kisses Are Within You

Have you ever kissed someone and experienced lightning?

Touched lips, entangled energies, and felt an electric pulse sweep through you to ignite your sensations…?

A friend has been sharing their experience with this, talking about what and how another person makes them feel when I said,

You are lightning.

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