This Is How You Connect Within...So You Know What You Need and Want

Hey, there,

Deep breath.

What do I need to connect within right connect with myself?


And permission.

What do I need to connect with my partner right now?

Strength to be vulnerable.

Language to structure what I want to say.

In these moments as I'm checking in, it's the organic answers that rumble up from my depths that erupt to the surface.

I've practiced for years to return to my intuition and gut instincts, so I get it if when you ask yourself,

What's the most loving thing I can do for myself right now? might come up blank.


Here are five steps you can take to hear your own wisdom:

STEP ONE: Physical Space

Create physical space first.

This can be as simple as setting down your phone and turning it to do not disturb.

Maybe you close your laptop or turn off the TV.

STEP TWO: Mental Space

Mental and emotional space can come when you transition from noticing the external world to going within to your internal world.

Perhaps you close your eyes and reduce the number of things you see.

Consider leaving your eyes open and unfocusing your gaze so your brain isn't interpreting all of the stimuli.

Find which way supports you best, and then begin to notice your breath coming in and out of your body.

Inhaling in...

Exhaling out...

Chest and torso rising...

Chest and torso falling....

STEP THREE: Intention

After you've created space, set the intention to invite connection to your inner wisdom.

You might not know exactly what this means.

And that's okay.

By simply setting the intention and telling your bodymind you want to connect, you invite the pieces of you that do know how to do this to step forward.

STEP FOUR: Ask and Listen

As breathe in and out of your body, perhaps ask yourself one of the following questions:

  • What do I need to connect within right connect with myself?

  • What do I need to connect with my partner right now?

  • What's the most loving thing I can do for myself right now?

Scan your body from the bottoms of your feet to the crown of your head listening for answers.

They may not come in the way you expect, and that's because our bodyminds don't necessarily speak in full sentences or even words.

Maybe there's a sensation.

Perhaps a color.

Possibly an image.


Trust that if your bodymind has offered up a sensation, a color, an image, or a memory that within it is the answer to the question you asked yourself.

It could be metaphorical.

Maybe it's a thread that leads to something more concrete.

And whatever it

Offering you so much love on your journey to honoring your wisdom within,


Gently Support One Another's Bodies and Sexuality with Loving Touch


Can we just be where we're at...right here, right now?