When I felt the trauma of Trump begin to soften in my body, I couldn't ignore what came next


I want to share with you that I'm offering a live, embodied, guided practice around Trump trauma and anchoring into resilience on Thursday, December 10 from 5 - 6 pm online via Zoom for $22 and $11 for BIPOC and LGBTQIA+.

I didn't want to.

I didn't want to hustle, to learn new things, to push myself into the sphere of offering a workshop right now.


My conversations with people like you and clients and friends and colleagues have shown me that until we acknowledge this and feel our way through this, we're going to have a much harder time feeling love, experiencing intimacy, and connecting to pleasure and joy...

Whether that's within or with our partner.

So today I want to tell you a little about my story and my experience.

And if you're open to it, you can email at daniela@danielatanner.com and say "Tell me more," and I'll share with you the stories of other people, how they've been impacted, and why this workshop on Thursday, December 10 is so important.

Don't want to hear more around this?

That's cool.

We've been through enough.



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All of the trauma and stress and fear compounded in my body leading up to Election Day in the U.S. and in the days that followed as we waited for the results.

November 3...November 4...November 5....

More than four years of white supremacy, misogyny, capitalism, narcissism, oppression, and and and...all projected onto and represented in the in-your-face manifestation of Trump.

My body was tight. tense. contracted.

To the extreme.

The trauma of Trump and his administration began to congeal and move toward solidification in my joints and muscles.

And on the morning of Saturday, November 7, I'd just finished receiving a session from my coach when I heard Joe Biden had been declared the next President of the United States.

As I watched the news coverage and Biden and Harris' speeches later in the day, I noticed space in my body begin to emerge...

to unfold...

I daresay, to awaken....

It showed up in my capacity for a smile.

A little wiggle wanting to dance.

A deeper exhale.

What I also noticed were pieces of me that wanted to breathe, that wanted to move, that wanted to step forward into love and joy and pleasure...

And couldn't.

It was in the contrast that I felt the embodied weight and effects of Trump not only in my bodymind, but on my personal life.

I had no choice but to listen and follow the wisdom I could finally connect to and hear.

And it was exactly this clients and colleagues and friends and I began to articulate and get deeply curious about over the next week.

We have to take a moment to take it in, to acknowledge what we feel and what we have been through, and to anchor in resilience so we can dream the future and take action toward bringing it forward.

I'm inviting you into an embodied, guided practice where we can do just that.

So if you want to hear more, again, you can email me at daniela@danielatanner.com and say, "Tell me more," and I'll do just that. :)

I'm here to support you to honor and heal within and in love.

Thinking of you,


Acknowledging Where We Are To Get To Where We Want To Be


How to Not Get Overwhelmed and Numb To It All