4 Reasons to Take Your Relationship Past the Fireworks and To The Stars

What is your idea of Tantra?

If you're like many there's something about Sting and seven-hour orgasms rolling around in your head.




That part is true. 

I can guide you and your partner to valley orgasms and full body orgasms that last a lot longer than the fireworks climaxes you likely and hopefully experience now.

(Ask me how!)

Expand your idea of Tantra to see how it can offer you that and so much more.


Here are five reasons to explore Tantra and reach for the stars:

STEP ONE: Better Sex
Many couples come to Tantra because they desire a deeper connection during sex. They want more passion, more chemistry, more pleasure, more orgasms, more wildness.


STEP TWO: Better Relationship
Tantric practices often lead couples to experience better communication, more attraction, and more harmony within themselves and with their partner.

You get the sex and the intimacy rolled into one.

STEP THREE: Sexual Healing
Tantric tools, techniques, and frameworks can support you and your partner to deeply heal. So many of us experience abuse, mistreatment, addictions to porn or fantasy, shame, and/or guilt around sex.

If you want a sense of emotional safety and to be loved and accepted as your truly are, exploring Tantra can offer you that.

STEP FOUR: Sacred Sexuality
Many couples don't begin their exploration of Tantra for the explicit purpose of experiencing spiritual enlightenment. And yet seeing higher, deeper, and sacred aspects of each other is often a beautiful and welcome aspect of practicing Tantra together.

If I wasn't experiencing it myself, I wouldn't offer it to you.

The entirety of the Epic Couples Podcast reflects my partner's and my journey with wanting more, wanting better, wanting deeper...and finding our epic couple's path via Tantra.

It may not be for all...and it may be for you. 

Sending you and your partner so much love,

P.S. Check out Shaun's Tantric awakening and breakthrough that he discovered while we recorded this week's podcast. It starts around the thirty-one-minute mark.


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