Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

“Before working with Daniela, my partner and I didn't have the tools to create more intimacy and connection.”

Before working to Daniela, my partner and I didn't have the tools to create more intimacy and connection. After spending time understanding what we were wanted in our relationship, Daniela taught us new skills and guided us through some powerful activities that helped us lean in towards each other in a new way. She reminded us to celebrate the special moments, and take the time to just be together without being attached to any specific outcome. So grateful for her perspective and insight! Working online was seamless and comfortable.

- Lori

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Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

“Daniela brought so much love, thoughtfulness, and reflection to our couples counseling sessions.”

Daniela brought so much love, thoughtfulness, and reflection to our couples counseling sessions. She is so organized, and consistently followed up with us over email, prompting us both to reflect on changes we were noticing in ourselves and our relationship. I have so much gratitude for Daniela and the work we did together. I wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone looking to heal or explore.

- Ben

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Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

“We didn’t know what to expect with couples coaching”

We didn’t know what to expect with couples coaching—like how would it work, if it could be neutral, and how we would manage triggers if we weren’t in person, but Daniela explained things so well and adeptly navigated working with the both of us. It actually felt fun and was easier than we thought.

Daniela creates a really safe, neutral space. In addition, we had some anxiety about rekindling our sex life, but she created really accessible practices that felt safe and easy. We both saw how we needed to take more self-responsibility and that has helped our daily interactions.

— Laura and Erik

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Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

“The work my partner and I did with Daniela was profound”

The work my partner and I did with Daniela was profound. We were in a pivotal point in our relationship, one where we were really questioning if we should even be together. Constant arguing, constant triggering, constant annoyances. We couldn’t seem to find a balance for months, and both of us were fed up with it all and ready to throw in the towel. Daniela helped us find clarity: Did we really want to breakup? She helped us find solid ground. She helped us see each other’s inner child needing to be loved by ourselves. She helped us see and hear each other in new ways. In only a few sessions, she gave us hope.

I definitely recommend working with Daniela. Whether you’re having relationship “problems” or you just want to have better communication and sex, Daniela ought to be your go-to relationship coach. As a sacred sexuality specialist and empowerment coach myself, I recommend her to my clients and will continue doing so.

— Rachel and Michele

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Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

“Discovering that we weren’t ‘hopeless’ was a relief”

Before talking to Daniela, we were having trouble finding mutual ways to express desire. We seemed to be on different tracks when we were being intimate. 

While working with Daniela, we learned new ways to look at our love making and methods of connecting that we had never thought of. Synchronized breathing was a major breakthrough that worked for us.

With Daniela’s coaching we learned that there are new methods out there that helped our situation. Discovering that we weren’t “hopeless” was a relief.

Daniela is kind and open to working and helping everyone. She can assist you in transforming your sex life for the better. We loved that we could work with her together, and she was able to see what connection we were missing.

— CJ and Jose

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Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

“We now can express our truth without judgement”

While working with Daniela, I felt that my boyfriend and I were able to go a little deeper in understanding our path and goals with our relationship. We were able to do a heart connection activity that allowed for us to be vulnerable and safe together. We now can express our truth without judgement and hold presence for and with each other.

Daniela is a bright, thoughtful, intuitive, active listener and guide. She creatively works with where you are at to move you forward.

- Nicole & Paul

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Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

“Relationship coaching is a bit intimidating and new, but it is also extremely powerful and impactful”

Working with Daniela was hugely impactful for our relationship. Neither of us knew what to expect (and we were both a bit nervous!), but Daniela held us with the utmost intention and care every step of the way. Through our work with her, we were able to uncover the core issue behind an old, uncomfortable pattern that had caused a lot of angst in our relationship. With this new awareness, we have been able to respond to each other with more love and greater understanding, resulting in both of us getting more of what we need in the relationship. Relationship coaching is a bit intimidating and new, but it is also extremely powerful and impactful. We are so grateful we took this step and had this time with Daniela.

— RS & JS

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