“Discovering that we weren’t ‘hopeless’ was a relief”

Before talking to Daniela, we were having trouble finding mutual ways to express desire. We seemed to be on different tracks when we were being intimate. 

While working with Daniela, we learned new ways to look at our love making and methods of connecting that we had never thought of. Synchronized breathing was a major breakthrough that worked for us.

With Daniela’s coaching we learned that there are new methods out there that helped our situation. Discovering that we weren’t “hopeless” was a relief.

Daniela is kind and open to working and helping everyone. She can assist you in transforming your sex life for the better. We loved that we could work with her together, and she was able to see what connection we were missing.

— CJ and Jose


“She will help you to understand your worth and find the voice that you need to have your desires realized”


“It was a breakthrough moment to see how acceptance and patience on both sides of the relationship can lead to more love”