“The work my partner and I did with Daniela was profound”

The work my partner and I did with Daniela was profound. We were in a pivotal point in our relationship, one where we were really questioning if we should even be together. Constant arguing, constant triggering, constant annoyances. We couldn’t seem to find a balance for months, and both of us were fed up with it all and ready to throw in the towel. Daniela helped us find clarity: Did we really want to breakup? She helped us find solid ground. She helped us see each other’s inner child needing to be loved by ourselves. She helped us see and hear each other in new ways. In only a few sessions, she gave us hope.

I definitely recommend working with Daniela. Whether you’re having relationship “problems” or you just want to have better communication and sex, Daniela ought to be your go-to relationship coach. As a sacred sexuality specialist and empowerment coach myself, I recommend her to my clients and will continue doing so.

— Rachel and Michele


“We didn’t know what to expect with couples coaching”


“She will help you to understand your worth and find the voice that you need to have your desires realized”