This is How You Can Co-Create Your Deeply Satisfying Love Relationship

Your relationship never stops offering you the opportunity to heal, to grow, and to connect.

No matter how old your relationship is...

( though I am curious around when may be too soon to start... )

I invite you to see the potential in your relationship.

I invite you to co-create the potential in your relationship.


Here are 8 steps to support you in co-creating your deeply satisfying love relationship:

( From Harville Hendrix's, Getting the Love You Want )


On your phone, laptop, in your journal, or on a piece of paper, write a series of short sentences that describe your individual vision of a deeply satisfying love relationship.

( Invite your partner to do the same. )

Include experiences and qualities you already have that you want to keep and qualities and experiences you wish you had.

Write each sentence in the present tense.

You might write sentences that sound or look like these:

  • We have fun together.

  • We have great sex.

  • We are loving parents.

  • We are affectionate with each other.

  • We settle our differences peacefully.


Share your sentences with one another.

Underline the items you have in common that are the same general idea.

Add to your list any sentences your partner has written that you agree with but didn't write yourself.


Individually and with your own expanded list, rank each sentence on a scale from 1 to 5.

1 in this case means this is "very important" and 5 means "not so important."


Circle the two items that are the most important to you.


Place a check mark next to items you think would be most difficult for you to achieve with your partner in your relationship.


Shift to working together to design a relationship vision that works for both of you.

Start by reordering each statement with the items you both agree are the most important on the top that are 1s and 2s.

Place a check mark by the items you both agree would be difficult to achieve.

Toward the bottom of the list reorder the statements that are 3s, 4s, and 5s.

If you disagree on a statement, see if the two of you can come up with a compromise statement that offers you both satisfaction.

If that doesn't work, leave the item off of your combined list.


Read your relationship vision out loud, taking turns with each statement.

Take a picture of it and save it to your favorites on your phone or post it somewhere you both can easily see it.

Review it, read it out loud, and refer to it daily, weekly, monthly, and often.

Sending you both so much love,


Deep Safety in Your Relationship Requires This


You Can Only Offer -Yourself- Unconditional Love, NOT Anyone Else