Anniversaries and Next-Level Adventures

Three weeks ago Shaun and I celebrated the one-year anniversary of the Epic Couples Podcast.

On the show we explored the last 45 episodes (along with a few that didn't get publicly shared) and talked about our favorite moments and the ones that made us cringe. (You can listen to it here or on Apple or Android podcast apps.)

But you probably didn't hear about it, because I got caught up in being at the Sex Down South sexuality conference (it was totally amazing!) and didn't blog about our anniversary.

Life happens.

Even when we do take a moment to celebrate...

To stop and take a look around...

To acknowledge how far we've come...

To consider our desires and goals for the future...

Life still has a way of tying us up and throwing us around.

Even so, what came up in that celebratory, anniversary episode of the podcast was how I need to shift my focus and up-level what I am bringing to you.

That's why Season Two / Year Two of the podcast is now The Epic Couple's Journey with Daniela & Shaun!

The Epic Couple's Journey podcast art.jpg

In each episode, Shaun and I unabashedly share our experiences navigating the epic couple’s journey while exploring our playful kinky orgasm.

We invite you to join us on the adventure to hear what it takes to co-create a life filled with the sex you want and the intimacy you desire!

My hope is to inspire you to be true to yourself and your relationship, so you're capable of taking the next steps toward experiencing EPIC!

Thank you so much for being a part of our journey the last year, and here's hoping you're excited to come along for the ride in the year to come.

Sending you so, so much love,

P.S. Not sure what the epic couple's journey is or if you even want to be a part of it?

I totally get that. 

I'm working on a guide that lays out what exactly the Epic Couple's Journey is and what it takes to say yes to your own epic adventure.

Stay tuned. ;)


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