Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

“Daniela holds space for my emotions and words, which is not something is practiced very often in society for men.”

I have worked with several different life coaches and therapists over the past several years and Daniela has been by far the most helpful. I came to her with issues or problems with my self-confidence not only sexually but in social situations in general. Daniela holds space for my emotions and words, which is not something is practiced very often in society for men. I feel heard and safe during and after every session, which allows me to go deeper and deeper emotionally. I feel my self-confidence in ways I haven't felt before, but also in ways I knew were possible. I attribute that to the foundation Daniela helps to build with each session.

- Shaun

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Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

“Daniela's wisdom and empathy are simply unparalleled.”

Daniela's wisdom and empathy are simply unparalleled. I first came to her because my partner and I were in the midst of a difficult situation -- we both love each other but there was an obstacle that had begun to put our relationship in jeopardy. Through talking with Daniela I was not only able to gain perspective about how my partner and I could approach this together but Daniela also illuminated what we were doing right, and helped me to see a factor I'd never consciously acknowledged before (my partner was holding on to grief and the way with which he was coping was keeping him stuck in a pattern). I walked away from my time with Daniela feeling so grounded, heard, encouraged and supported.

- Angela

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Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

“I could not have anticipated how impactful it would be to work with Daniela.”

I could not have anticipated how impactful it would be to work with Daniela. I came to her with issues I was having related to my inability to access sexual pleasure, as well as intimacy issues I was having with my partner. Over our sessions together, Daniela led me through a number of embodied experiences and taught me an array of tools to help me access deeper truths underneath my feelings of fear and discomfort around pleasure. She is incredibly kind, patient, and open, I felt trust with her immediately. I would highly recommend working with Daniela, her methods are more actionable and readily usable than traditional talk therapy. Her techniques allowed me to feel and experience change and actual results!

- K L

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Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

“She will help you to understand your worth and find the voice that you need to have your desires realized”

Daniela works from the heart. She is kind, caring, and supportive. If you are unsure about seeking help from her you need not worry. She will make you feel valued, worthy and cared for. She will help you to understand your worth and find the voice that you need to have your desires realized. She will help you on your healing journey.

- Heather

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Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

“Working with Daniela allowed me to explore my own relationship with relationships”

Being in a new relationship, that to me felt like it was moving very fast, I had fears around what moving in together would do to the dynamics and how we would navigate through them. My fears were grounded in losing myself in the relationship, of becoming a mundane, boring, domestic couple whose sex lives slowly fizzled into nothingness. I desired very much to explore what it meant to take this next step in our relationship and to have a plan and tools to use moving forward.

Working with Daniela allowed me to explore my own relationship with relationships, to understand my needs and wants within a relationship and to discover what they are for my partner too. We’ve learned to hold each other with love and compassion at all times, even the times when things aren’t great.

- Elissa

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Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

“Daniela recognized and delved into my fear and anxiety with such tenderness”

During our session Daniela recognized and delved into my fear and anxiety with such tenderness. She gave me useful tools to experience those feelings in positive ways should they happen in the future.

Daniela is also a compassionate listener and a keen observer of the things unsaid. I felt she listened to me, recognized my anxiety, and handled it in a professional and kind manner. Her future clients will have made the best choice in choosing to work with her as I could not think of anyone else I know that I would like more as a therapist or coach.

- Tex

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