“Working with Daniela allowed me to explore my own relationship with relationships”

Being in a new relationship, that to me felt like it was moving very fast, I had fears around what moving in together would do to the dynamics and how we would navigate through them. My fears were grounded in losing myself in the relationship, of becoming a mundane, boring, domestic couple whose sex lives slowly fizzled into nothingness. I desired very much to explore what it meant to take this next step in our relationship and to have a plan and tools to use moving forward.

Working with Daniela allowed me to explore my own relationship with relationships, to understand my needs and wants within a relationship and to discover what they are for my partner too. We’ve learned to hold each other with love and compassion at all times, even the times when things aren’t great.

- Elissa


“We now can express our truth without judgement”


“Daniela recognized and delved into my fear and anxiety with such tenderness”