I don't want to be courageous. I don't want to do hard things.

Over the last two years, my oldest child (and not much of a child anymore) has been learning how to run a business around owning, raising, and selling a goat.

Twice a week she was going to the ranch to take care of her goat while splitting chores and responsibilities with other kids learning to do the same thing.

Last week she sold her goat at auction...and for quite the profit.

I'm very proud of her, and I hope she's proud of herself, too.

So it was weird last week when we didn't have to go to the ranch.

Instead I joined a free Sunday morning breathwork offered by Alchemy of Breath where founder Anthony Abbagnano asked, 

"What's the most courageous choice you ever made? And what did it change?"

I knew my answer right away, and I also wondered what Anthony was getting at.

Glennon Doyle in her recent book, Untamed, and on social media has been reminding people that

We can do hard things.

We have done hard things in the past.

We have made courageous choices.

Things have changed.


Can I be honest with you?

I'm not so sure.

Some days I don't want to do hard things.

I don't feel up to making courageous choices.

I'm being forced into situations I don't want to be in.


And the only choice is to surrender.

Which—now that I think about it—is pretty courageous.

Just like my oldest who is learning new things, doing hard things, and coming out on top.

Food for thought.

Sending love,


The isolation grips my heart and twists. I take a breath through the tears anyway.


This is How to Orient Toward Thriving in a Pandemic