This Is Why You Need a Scrum Master For Your Relationship

Ever wish you had someone who could guide you with what to say and do to make your partner feel amazing? 

Ever wish you could tell your partner or impart some magical wisdom to them about how to love you best and make you feel good?

Ever wish you knew how to prioritize your relationship amongst all your other commitments and responsibilities so you can experience deep intimacy and connection with your partner more often?


In this week's episode of the Epic Couples Podcast, Scrum Masters and Roadblocks in Relationships, Shaun shares his past experiences as a scum master.

“In a former life I used to be a scrum master. It's not as exciting as it sounds. There's no sex dungeons or anything like that," he says.

Oh, the visions that dance in my head (email me and I'll send you the exact image that's dancing).

Shaun talks about what a scrum master does and together we explore the applications for relationships.

Like the importance of defining your priority list and getting real about where your relationship is on that list.

Tune in as we look at roadblocks in relationships (you know, kids, jobs), why holding boundaries leads to trust, and how a sex and intimacy coach (like moi) can support you with: 

  • Clarity
  • Connection
  • Communication
  • Deep Healing
  • Erotic Sexuality and Intimacy

Through our little conversation start considering ways in which you can connect with your partner in as little as five minutes a day with star gazing or eye gazing or holding space for one another to talk about your day. 

After all, Stan Tatkin author of Wired for Love says, "Lust is at a distance, but love is up close."

Sending you all the love,


This Is Why Relaxation In Sex and In Life is So Hard


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