Step Three: Shift

Once you've planned when your Sex Practice is happening (it can change week-to-week) and you've prepared yourself and the space, step into your Sex Practice to set yourselves up.

Shift from whatever you were doing before your Sex Practice started, and consciously set down anything you might have to do afterward.

Invite intimate, sexual, lover pieces of you to come forward and be present.

Set down parent, worker, provider, domestic parts of you energetically outside of the space or outside the door of the room.

Get comfortable.

Get more comfortable.

Gently invite a connection to yourself so you might authentically connect with your partner and show up to your relationship.


We’ll begin shifting and a guided meditation for meeting yourself:

  1. Body

  2. Mind

  3. Ground and center

INTENTION: Maybe set an intention to explore, to be brave, to be curious, to be open. Always honoring your own body and your own process. Giving yourself permission to speak and communicate where you are at. Everything is an invitation. If you need to pause. If you need to stop. If you need a break, you can mute the call, you can pause the recording. There are no right or wrong answers as we explore. Allowing this time hour ahead to be powerfully deep yet supportive and gentle at a rate that’s right for you. All so the two of you can move toward naked pleasure together, clarifying what’s in the way and holding you back from being intimate and what you also need to invite in, strengthen, and expand to move toward sexual intimacy together.


Next, we’ll resource for any time you feel overwhelmed, panic, or a sense of flashback during the Sex Practice.

I want to invite you to locate your resource for this practice. Notice where in your body do you feel safe, at home, supported? Maybe you’re looking for sensations that feel warm, maybe open, maybe tingling and alive. Breathe into and out of this space. Remember you can always stop the practice or slow down and come to this resource. Nourish yourself. Love yourself. Celebrate yourself. At any time, this resource is always here for you.

Continue breathing gently. Take your time, knowing there is no rush. And slowly open your eyes or blink them into focus as you’re ready. 

Arrive into your space by looking down at the floor, up the walls, ceiling, down the other side….