Eye Gazing


Eye gazing is both a spiritual practice with people who practice tantra and a scientifically-proven practice counselors and therapists use with their clients.

According to Stan Tatkin, author of Wired for Love, gazing into your partner's eyes is not only a spiritual experience when you can witness their essence. It's also an exercise where you can see your partner's neurological response in the dilating of their pupils and the response of the intricate muscles around their eyes.

You see your partner's emotions, their energy, and their reality all through—and in—their eyes. Remember, lust is at a distance, but love is up close. Eye gazing has the effect of rekindling love and excitement in your relationship with this simple 5-minute practice

TO BEGIN, sit across from one another, about six inches to a foot apart (or approximately 30 centimeters). You want to be comfortable. 

When you are ready, hit play on the guided audio and gently follow along together.

Would support be lovely for the two of you?

I invite you share with me any additional questions or concerns you have by emailing me at daniela@danielastevens.com