This Is Why I'm Thinking About What Matters Most This Week
Experiences like these crack open the primal brain and our need to survive.
This Is Why You (and I) Are Worthy Of Better Sex
Before I tell you about why you are worthy of better sex, can I take a minute to get real with you?
Because I need to get real with myself first.
Let's get real.
Here's What Happened Before We Recorded This Week's Podcast
I didn't want to record this week's podcast.
It was time, though.
In fact, we were already a day past deadline.
I said no.
5 Things #MeToo Needs You To Heal In Your Relationship
When I shared with my partner that the foundation of my sex life has been guilt and pressure and performing pleasure for the benefit of lovers I've been with...
It didn't go well.
My partner and I were frozen around what to do after this revelation.
What did it mean about our relationship?
How Safe Is It For You to Feel Your Emotions Around Your Partner?
I can't look you in the eye.
My worldview narrows.
I can't feel my body or anything in it.
My brain begins to shut down high-level functioning.
I feel like I'm floating and not attached to anything.
This Is Why A Jade Egg Practice Makes Sex Amazing
"People put jade...
that green stone...
that's in the shape of an egg...
4 Reasons to Take Your Relationship Past the Fireworks and To The Stars
What is your idea of Tantra?
If you're like many there's something about Sting and seven-hour orgasms rolling around in your head.
That part is true.
5 Things You Can Do To Reclaim Your Relationship
I invite you to turn and look at your partner.
Maybe you just need to look up, and there they are across from you.
If you can't see your partner from your vantage point and you're in the same space, carry this email with you and go find them.
If your partner and you are in different locations, I invite you to scroll to a picture of them.
5 Things To Know Before Initiating Sex
In this week's episode of the Epic Couples Podcast, Low Risk Initiating and Midnight Sex, Shaun and I brag about having middle-of-the-night sex where there was a little bit of sensory deprivation, fumbling, and an element of wildness.
It was a big payoff for Shaun's low risk way of initiating sex.
5 Steps for Rewriting the Narrative of Your Sex Life
When it comes to sex, are you living a choreographed experience or are you experiencing sex as art?
Who wrote the story of your sex life?
Who determined the steps?
Who picked out the music?
#1 Obstacle in the Way of Getting What You Want In Your Relationship
Before I even sat down with Shaun to record this week’s podcast, I was frustrated and angry.
You see, each episode is a snapshot into our relationship and into our lives at that moment.
We don’t preplan and prepare to manipulate you into seeing us in a certain way.
This Is Why Relaxation In Sex and In Life is So Hard
"Let's let our inner children come out to play."
I am back from four days with a dear friend at a beach condo where we let our inner children get cinnamon rolls and Cheetos at the grocery store.
We sat in fluffy cloud beds watching Netflix and enjoyed carpet picnics while gazing at the waves.
This Is Why You Need a Scrum Master For Your Relationship
Ever wish you had someone who could guide you with what to say and do to make your partner feel amazing?
Ever wish you could tell your partner or impart some magical wisdom to them about how to love you best and make you feel good?
Ever wish you knew how to prioritize your relationship amongst all your other commitments and responsibilities so you can experience deep intimacy and connection with your partner more often?
This Is Why Giving Everything To Your Work and Kids Means Your Relationship Is Non-Existent
Last week I was sitting in a session with my psychologist when he said,
"You should commit suicide if you don't feel worthy."
My jaw didn't drop open (uh, I was too busy being polite), but the shock did hit me so that I blinked several times wondering if those words had actually come out of his mouth.
Bring Out Your Partner's Worst to Discover Their Truth (Here's How)
We all know what love feels like.
Your chest expands. It feels full. You feel light and clear. Your smile can't get any bigger. Your heart may even feel like it's cracking and breaking open to emerge even fuller than before. Your bones melt. Your insides are warm.
This Is Why Holding Space Is Necessary For Your Relationship (I'll Train You How)
I struggle with holding space for Shaun.
I want to interject and talk about how I'm doing.
Sometimes I tell Shaun he's wrong....
Find the Fun in Your Relationship in These 4 Steps
"Daniela, I think your orgasm is playful," my teacher said.
A year ago I was at a training and retreat in Mexico doing embodiment practices and integrating various pieces of my bodymind.
Do Yourself First With These 4 Holistic Sex Tools
I know.
It may seem a little crass and make your skin crawl with confrontation.
Or you might be rolling your eyes and thinking, DUH!
3 Signs You're Ripping Open A Core Wound in Your Relationship
What Does It Take For You To Be Fully Present With Your Partner?
Tell me about the last time you were fully present and attentive to your partner's needs.
Now tell me how the hell you were able to do it.
When I'm juggling my own needs, our three kids' needs, and the needs of the household, the dog, the cat, the businesses we run....