
Embody and Experience Your Inner Child for Deep Healing
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

Embody and Experience Your Inner Child for Deep Healing

At the intersection of two different triggers last week, I let myself sink into my darkened bedroom and cloudy thoughts.

I pulled the curtains across the brightness of the afternoon and climbed into my bed.

I wrapped the sheet and blankets around me tight.

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What Are You Not Hearing From Your Partner?
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

What Are You Not Hearing From Your Partner?

“Who knows how you received my yes,” she said.

Recently my partner and I were talking about whether we were going to an event together.

We’d spoke about it a few weeks earlier and then dropped it.

I thought it was undecided.

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The Story I'm Telling Myself....
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

The Story I'm Telling Myself....

Yesterday while on a particularly long stretch of highway, Shaun and I were talking about each of our experiences on the first leg of our road trip home. 

( Our three kids were also along for the ride. )

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