
To Be Chosen, You Have To Communicate Your Needs First
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

To Be Chosen, You Have To Communicate Your Needs First

I see you relaxing back, receiving so much love and care and support that you need and want.

I see you doing it with ease and it coming to you so lusciously.

Here's the thing, though.

Most sitcoms don't show the characters knowing what they want, communicating what they want, or getting what they want.

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4 Steps for Clearing Time To Connect With Your Partner
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

4 Steps for Clearing Time To Connect With Your Partner

When your partner and you were dating, you cleared out time to see one another, to do things, to have sex.

Sometimes you gave up sleep or money or a lunch hour or seeing friends to laugh and smile and experience one another.

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This Is How You Move Toward Embodied Self-Love
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

This Is How You Move Toward Embodied Self-Love

Something so powerful and deep happened in a coaching session a few weeks ago.

I've been thinking about it and wanting to share it, thinking it might click a few things into place for you, too.

Because most of us...we want to experience love with a partner, with our person.

The idea of self-love can feel so far-fetched and inaccessible because we first experience love in relationship and attachment to our primary caregivers.

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