
This is Why Video Chatting with Your Loved Ones is So Hard
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

This is Why Video Chatting with Your Loved Ones is So Hard

Before all of this happened, my partner and I already had a lot of experience with distance.

Being in an international, long distance relationship is hard.

  • Closed borders.

  • She's a frontlines healthcare worker.

  • I'm a trauma-informed sex and intimacy coach.

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This is How I Realized My Heart is Numbed
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

This is How I Realized My Heart is Numbed

Sometime recently a friend forwarded me a list of journaling prompts, questions to explore and really look at around pandemic, coronavirus, social distancing, COVID-19, shelter-in-place, quarantine, isolation, ventilators, ICU.

I kept her email and every once in awhile would open it up and read through the questions.

Well, actually, I'd read the first prompt and stop.

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