
This is How To Invite Heartbrokenness To Teach You
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

This is How To Invite Heartbrokenness To Teach You

I have been deeply grieving the last several weeks and letting my body show me how to forgive myself and others, how to heal, and how to love.

There's no pushing or forcing, no "should" or "shouldn't."

There's a deep surrender to "This is how I feel right now...This is how it is in this moment."

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This is Why You Can't Solve Your Relationship Problems
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

This is Why You Can't Solve Your Relationship Problems

Many years ago, I found myself laid off from my teaching job, caring for two young children, and floundering. 

Oh, yeah. And my spouse and I were fighting. 

I would yell at him from the doorway while he was sitting on the couch looking at me blankly.

Then I would leave in a rage, wondering where I could go to figure things out and wondering who would understand.

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5 Things #MeToo Needs You To Heal In Your Relationship
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

5 Things #MeToo Needs You To Heal In Your Relationship

When I shared with my partner that the foundation of my sex life has been guilt and pressure and performing pleasure for the benefit of lovers I've been with...

It didn't go well.

My partner and I were frozen around what to do after this revelation.

What did it mean about our relationship?

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5 Things You Can Do To Reclaim Your Relationship
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

5 Things You Can Do To Reclaim Your Relationship

I invite you to turn and look at your partner. 

Maybe you just need to look up, and there they are across from you.

If you can't see your partner from your vantage point and you're in the same space, carry this email with you and go find them. 

If your partner and you are in different locations, I invite you to scroll to a picture of them.

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