Deeply Connect
with Your Sexuality


Your body is sacred.

Your heart deserves love.

Your sexuality is worthy of honoring.

You are made for deep connection.


Capitalism distances us from the divinity of our bodies.

Capitalism shames us into buying our way toward perfectionism.


Our unique pleasure and authentic expressions are undermined by marketing.

Advertising airbrushes away the experiences our bodies hold.


With sacred self-pleasure,

we celebrate our bodies.

We explore our bodies.

We honor what we need moment to moment.


Welcome to

Sacred Self-Pleasure

Your guided experience for
deeply connecting with and
exploring your sexuality.


For all bodies and all expressions


These online sessions are for:

People who already have a great masturbation or self-pleasure practice

who want to embrace their divinity.

People who want to heal

and are willing to access love and compassion around woundings for deeper self-love and acceptance.

People who feel reliant on partnered sex for pleasure and value

and have forgotten who they are as sexual beings with desires all their own.


Who Am I?


Hi, there! I am Daniela (she/they pronouns).

For me, nothing is more important than connection.

With close to twenty years of experience teaching in college classrooms, yoga studios, and working with people one-one-one, I am here to support you in connecting with your inner wisdom, your body, and your sexuality.

For me, connection is where love and compassion meet, and it is the foundation for creating a relationship within that meets your needs, heals your wounds, and allows for your deepest desires to be fulfilled.

I look forward to guiding you.


with This experience you get:

  • Online 60-minute sacred self-pleasure session

  • Curated, live guidance and support

  • Follow-up recording



  • Enjoy from the privacy of your home or sacred space

  • Follow the energy of what’s alive

  • Experience it on your own time, at your own pace, and revisit it as many times as you like

  • Go deeper or explore what comes up for you


When we explore our sacred bodies,

We experience the





we’ve been created to feel as human beings.

Sacred Self-Pleasure

Your guided self-pleasure experience for
deeply connecting with and
exploring your sexuality as sacred.

Open your curiosity to the sensations of your body to experience your:

  • Authentic sexuality

  • Unique expressions

  • Delicious sexual energy

  • Loving celebrations and honorings