
The rawness of my core wound comes around every year.
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

The rawness of my core wound comes around every year.

The most vulnerable thing I could ever do is ask if you'd spend my birthday with me.

Even as I write the words, tears flood my eyes and spill over.

A knot clenches in my gut, and my throat becomes so tight it's almost impossible for me to breathe.

I try to swallow it down, but the icy terror in my heart threatens to heave up and out of my body.

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The Story I'm Telling Myself....
Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

The Story I'm Telling Myself....

Yesterday while on a particularly long stretch of highway, Shaun and I were talking about each of our experiences on the first leg of our road trip home. 

( Our three kids were also along for the ride. )

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